01. Where do bromeliads come from?
Most air plants are natives to tropical regions in Mexico, South America, and Central America. Some plants, are even found growing wild here in Florida and other areas of the Southern United States.
02. How do you water an bromeliad?
There are a few different ways to water your plants, dunking, soaking, and misting.
03. Does a bromeliad need sunlight?
Yes, absolutely! Air plants can also survive under artificial lighting. If you have an area that doesn't get adequate light, you can always rotate plants every couple of days so you can still enjoy their beauty, and the plant can continue to thrive!
04. What are trichomes?
Trichomes are what will give some air plants their silver/grey fuzzy appearance, and the amount of trichomes an air plant variety has can dictate a lot about their care. Trichomes may look like little hairs but they are actually tiny cups that take in water. Trichomes are made up of a lot of little cells, some that are living, and some that are dead. When water comes in contact with the dead cells of a trichome, it swells it like a sponge and is absorbed into the living cells, which then put the water to use.
05. Why do my bromeliads keep dying?
While bromeliads are fairly easy to take care of, they can be a bit tricky at times. Your plants might be dying due to not enough water, too much water, rot, fertilizer burn, or too much/not enough light. The most common issue people face is overwatering of their plants!
06. Do bromeliads die after flowering?
Yes, most air plants will die after flowering, but they will most often produce pups or offsets before they wither away. The mother plant can last awhile though, and give off multiple offset over time.
07. Do bromeliads purify air?
There have been studies that houseplants can purify the air in your home, but in pretty small amounts. Read our article about the benefits of bringing bromeliads into your home to learn more!